P: 0800 PRIME 1 (0800 774 631)

Industrial refrigeration

Prime Thermal strives to exceed the expectations of every client. Specialising in industrial Ammonia plants, our technical expertise combined with our hands-on experience ensure that our customers receive the most effective and professional service. Whether it's Monthly service, annual maintenance or plant upgrades, Prime Thermal has the experience to help your plant remain reliable and minimise downtime.

Industrial compressor rebuilds

Prime Thermal has an expert industrial refrigeration compressor rebuild team. With having previously worked and trained both nationally and internationally, we consider ourselves to be amongst the most experienced and reputable teams in the country. Sabroe, Frick and Mycom compressors are just a few of the main brands we deal with on a regular basis.

Commercial Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Prime Thermal embraces all aspects of the project through a wide range of refrigeration and air conditioning systems including the design work, heat load calculations, supply, installation, preventative maintenance and commissioning. We work alongside our customers to ensure this is a hassle-free process with proficient results. Our qualified installation team will always go the extra mile to guarantee customer satisfaction.

Cool Room Packages

Prime Thermal can provide custom made chillers to suit all needs. With a range of applications from Food & Hospitality to Hunting & Outdoors, Prime Thermal will supply a system which will accommodate your requirements. Quality equipment which operates in all seasons is paramount.